Thursday, January 12, 2012

Words by a Grandma who wears genuine heeled Ferragamos with matching handbag and Armani denim

‎"没有辛苦, 没有成功 - Most see success without recognising what came before it, like tears and perseverance. They also forget that every setback is actually a step forward in experience, towards achieving greatness. You don't how many people suffer the 17 or so failures before their big break… and these are the people who truly understand and are not afraid of making mistakes or learning from them, because they know each of those strengthen them for the future." 

Wise grandparents are so wise. I'm a little late to say this, but I'm ready. 
Not only am I ready, I have something that will be with me forever to remind me. It was a looooong bittersweet experience, but fuck its worth it ;)