Sunday, October 9, 2011


I have been MIA lately but here's what has happened over the past few weeks.

I've been eating like a pig. Either encouraged by stress or just simply being a food enthusiast, or both, not to mention having a foodie boyfriend as well. Definitely all the above. We've been going out to eat and cooking for people. Unfortunately I'm not a blog enthusiast so I never took any photos to share! heh :p

Obviously, from going out for meals and cooking for others too often... my bank account is also becoming anorexic. Sigh...... what is silly though, is that I just spent money by shopping online (I bought 3 dresses). I can't help it. When I work under stress, I look for ways to reward myself for working so hard! If I don't cook or bake I turn to retail therapy. How?

Now, I'm not gonna describe how much work I have done, just know that I've been stressing over it (hence the money spending and eating). What's worse is because of so much HOMEwork, I don't get to do REAL WORK much at all! I don't like not earning money... especially when I'm still spending money! But if I work, I don't get homework done :( And if I don't get homework done, I fail! If I fail, my parents have to spend more money on me! D:

Oh and you know what else has taken over since I've been working on my assignments? MY ACNE. HOMGAH. The acne on my face is like a Dalmatian's pattern :( Its horrible because I'm a chronic picker. And I pick the most when I'm stressed.. which means my skin never gets a chance to heal and instead the picking makes my already stressed pimples even stressed.

ON a different note, what's been keeping me going is the end of year. My holidays are eventful! Here's how the schedule from December onwards:

1st - Hen's night in SG!
3rd - Wedding ceremony!
4th - Wedding reception!
5th - 15th KK!
16th - 15th Jan Vancouver! (And while in Vancouver, ski trip in Whistler for 2 weeks!)

And back in KK!

See? all the reason to stay positive. I feel better already :)

And I feel better about buying dresses online too? I can wear all of them in this holiday! hehe!

Here are the links to the dresses I bought (I can't save their pictures :c)

:D :D :D :D I can't wait to get my hands on them!

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