Saturday, June 19, 2010

And it finally TRULY begins!

It's starting.

A friend of mine is engaged! Cheryl K. is the first person I know engaged who is my age, and is directly a friend of mine (i.e. not someone I met through another friend or sibling). We used to go to the same high school and though we're not that close I'm still really stoked for her :D

This actually reminded me about how my family friends and I back home would have discussions about marriage during the holidays, mostly debating who would be married off/engaged first. (I never actually thought about my non-family friends! hahaha..) We'd guess that Evelyn would prolly get engaged first among the G-word crew. And last or never possibly Jay hahahaha. Just cause of legal issues of course. Now I'm guessing who's next.

I reckon................... the couple who is most likely to get engaged next..... is................... Ja+Fran.............. or Lucas+Sarah :D

Don't ask me why! It's just the vibe I get!

Anyway, I said it's starting/beginning because we/kids of my generation are reaching that milestone already. From young we know this was coming! It's just hard for me to believe still. Sometimes I still can't believe how I came to study in university. This was never in my thoughts or expectation to pursue uni.. while growing up, but it happened. As a kid, I'd think only the smartest people go to uni, and that uni will be like the American colleges on tv - Large fields with plenty of white people... sitting on the grass or under a tree. Studying. And/or socialising. And then having crazy parties.

Then one January I got sent to boarding school overseas and before I knew it I was filling out applications to universities because everyone was (supposed to be?) doing it. Same with driving too btw. Growing up, I never had a single vision of me driving. At all. When my parents thought it was time for me to learn, I was scared and didn't want to do it. Told my parents I could do with public transport.

Now, I have my own car. I drive everyday. and I go to uni. Friends have even graduated or are graduating... and actually already getting engaged. It's bizarre... but it's reality I guess.

Now I wonder who's going to be the first to have kids :p

For me I think this life business is really really hard. Like, I REALLY want to be an active energetic grandparent one day who will see her own grandkids go through puberty and pass on advice etc, buttt... that would mean I'll have to have kids around 25. And I'd like to do this traditionally, meaning, marriage first. SO. That would mean marriage will be before 25.

Oh God.

And this is just marriage. What about my career? As it is I'm having so much trouble deciding what to do during end of year holidays and what to do next year in general. I don't even know if I'm finishing up my education with a Bachelor degree or something greater... just hate this uncertainty.

Now with all that said..... I'm going to follow MY mother's advice, and just, "Let nature take it's course". I don't know when or how my life's gonna turn out after this year. But... things will unfold... there's no doubt about it. I mean, life is happening whether you'd like it to pause or not. Whatever's to come... will come. Before I know it, I'll be 75 and sitting in KYC... drinking Milo Ping with JJ... and talking about dentures and kids having no respect anymore. Hahah..

Maaaaaaaan.... we're actually growing up.

Shit just got real yo.

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